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Vegan cheese renamed 'Gary' at Sainsbury's after a dairy-lover's Facebook rant goes

Cheesy: the supermarket made photo-shopped a picture of the cheese to rename it 'Gary'

News flash:

Vegan cheese has been universally renamed ‘Gary’ after Sainsbury’s turned one cheese-lover’s furious tirade into a viral joke.

The supermarket was the subject of a tremendous Facebook rant after a woman kicked off at the branding of dairy-free vegan products as ‘cheese’.

Instead, she said: "Call it Gary or something just don't call it cheese because it's not cheese!"


I bloody love this story. In some ways I feel for this woman's furious FB ranting, as I actually don't like calling Gary 'cheese' either. Being vegan isn't about substituting bacon for 'tofacon' or trying to imitate a hog roast with lentils. It's just as a society we've become used to certain flavours and textures, and when I changed my diet I didn't hate cheese all of a sudden. I just hate the principle of it. If you make me a more ethical version, then helllll yeah lets make pizza! So lets all enjoy a slice of Gary once in a while...

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